Goldman Sachs Smart Beta
Explore the factor-based portfolio provided by Goldman Sachs.
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Getting started
The Smart Beta portfolio consists of Smart Beta ETFs that include stocks from companies screened for the four Smart Beta factors—value, high quality, strong momentum, and low volatility. You will still pay the regular Betterment management fee. The fees for the underlying funds are a bit more expensive, particularly at higher stock allocation levels. Going from 0% to 100% stocks in the portfolio corresponds with weighted fund fees increasing from 0.13% to 0.22%. For Betterment portfolios, ...
Read MoreThe Goldman Sachs Smart Beta Portfolio strategy invests in stocks and bonds that have specific characteristics. The strategy favors stocks based on four well-established drivers of performance, often referred to as factors. The factors are: Good value Strong momentum High quality Low volatility The Goldman Sachs Smart Beta portfolio has 101 portfolio variations, ranging from 0% stocks to 100% stocks in 1% increments. Learn more about our portfolio construction strategy.
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