Steve Spagnola

Meet our writer
Steve Spagnola
Former Data Engineer, Betterment
Steve was previously a Lead Software Engineer at Betterment. He is a data engineering expert, typically seen working in Python. Before Betterment, Steve worked at iHeartRadio and earned a Master's degree from Cornell University.
Articles by Steve Spagnola
From 1 to N: Distributed Data Processing with Airflow
Betterment has built a highly available data processing platform to power new product ...
From 1 to N: Distributed Data Processing with Airflow Betterment has built a highly available data processing platform to power new product features and backend processing needs using Airflow. Betterment’s data platform is unique in that it not only supports offline needs such as analytics, but also powers our consumer-facing product. Features such as Time Weighted Returns and Betterment for Business balances rely on our data platform working throughout the day. Additionally, we have regulatory obligations to report complex data to third parties daily, making data engineering a mission critical part of what we do at Betterment. We originally ran our data platform on a single machine in 2015 when we ingested far less data with fewer consumer-facing requirements. However, recent customer and data growth coupled with new business requirements require us to now scale horizontally with high availability. Transitioning from Luigi to Airflow Our single-server approach used Luigi, a Python module created to orchestrate long-running batch jobs with dependencies. While we could achieve high availability with Luigi, it’s now 2017 and the data engineering landscape has shifted. We turned to Airflow because it has emerged as a full-featured workflow management framework better suited to orchestrate frequent tasks throughout the day. To migrate to Airflow, we’re deprecating our Luigi solution on two fronts: cross-database replication and task orchestration. We’re using Amazon’s Database Migration Service (DMS) to replace our Luigi-implemented replication solution and re-building all other Luigi workflows in Airflow. We’ll dive into each of these pieces below to explain how Airflow mediated this transition. Cross-Database Replication with DMS We used Luigi to extract and load source data from multiple internal databases into our Redshift data warehouse on an ongoing basis. We recently adopted Amazon’s DMS for continuous cross-database replication to Redshift, moving away from our internally-built solution. The only downside of DMS is that we are not aware of how recent source data is in Redshift. For example, a task computing all of a prior day’s activity executed at midnight would be inaccurate if Redshift were missing data from DMS at midnight due to lag. In Luigi, we knew when the data was pulled and only then would we trigger a task. However, in Airflow we reversed our thinking to embrace DMS, using Airflow’s sensor operators to wait for rows to be pushed from DMS before carrying on with dependent tasks. High Availability in Airflow While Airflow doesn’t claim to be highly available out of the box, we built an infrastructure to get as close as possible. We’re running Airflow’s database on Amazon’s Relational Database Service and using Amazon’s Elasticache for Redis queuing. Both of these solutions come with high availability and automatic failover as add-ons Amazon provides. Additionally, we always deploy multiple baseline Airflow workers in case one fails, in which case we use automated deploys to stand up any part of the Airflow cluster on new hardware. There is still one single point of failure left in our Airflow architecture though: the scheduler. While we may implement a hot-standby backup in the future, we simply accept it as a known risk and set our monitoring system to notify a team member of any deviances. Cost-Effective Scalability Since our processing needs fluctuate throughout the day, we were paying for computing power we didn’t actually need during non-peak times on a single machine, as shown in our Luigi server’s load. Distributed workers used with Amazon’s Auto Scaling Groups allow us to automatically add and remove workers based on outstanding tasks in our queues. Effectively, this means maintaining only a baseline level of workers throughout the day and scaling up during peaks when our workload increases. Airflow queues allow us to designate certain tasks to run on particular hardware (e.g. CPU optimized) to further reduce costs. We found just a few hardware type queues to be effective. For instance, tasks that saturate CPU are best run on a compute optimized worker with concurrency set to the number of cores. Non-CPU intensive tasks (e.g. polling a database) can run on higher concurrency per CPU core to save overall resources. Extending Airflow Code Airflow tasks that pass data to each other can run on different machines, presenting a new challenge versus running everything on a single machine. For example, one Airflow task may write a file and a subsequent task may need to email the file from the dependent task ran on another machine. To implement this pattern, we use Amazon S3 as a persistent storage tier. Fortunately, Airflow already maintains a wide selection of hooks to work with remote sources such as S3. While S3 is great for production, it’s a little difficult to work with in development and testing where we prefer to use the local filesystem. We implemented a “local fallback” mixin for Airflow maintained hooks that uses the local filesystem for development and testing, deferring to the actual hook’s remote functionality only on production. Development & Deployment We mimic our production cluster as closely as possible for development & testing to identify any issues that may arise with multiple workers. This is why we adopted Docker to run a production-like Airflow cluster from the ground up on our development machines. We use containers to simulate multiple physical worker machines that connect to officially maintained local Redis and PostgreSQL containers. Development and testing also require us to stand up the Airflow database with predefined objects such as connections and pools for the code under test to function properly. To solve this programmatically, we adopted Alembicdatabase migrations to manage these objects through code, allowing us to keep our development, testing, and production Airflow databases consistent. Graceful Worker Shutdown Upon each deploy, we use Ansible to launch new worker instances and terminate existing workers. But what happens when our workers are busy with other work during a deploy? We don’t want to terminate workers while they’re finishing something up and instead want them to terminate after the work is done (not accepting new work in the interim). Fortunately, Celery supports this shutdown behavior and will stop accepting new work after receiving an initial TERM signal, letting old work finish up. We use Upstart to define all Airflow services and simply wrap the TERM behavior in our worker’s post-stop script, sending the TERM signal first, waiting until we see the Celery process stopped, then finally poweroff the machine. Conclusion The path to building a highly available data processing service was not straightforward, requiring us to build a few specific but critical additions to Airflow. Investing the time to run Airflow as a cluster versus a single machine allows us to run work in a more elastic manner, saving costs and using optimized hardware for particular jobs. Implementing a local fallback for remote hooks made our code much more testable and easier to work with locally, while still allowing us to run with Airflow-maintained functionality in production. While migrating from Luigi to Airflow is not yet complete, Airflow has already offered us a solid foundation. We look forward to continuing to build upon Airflow and contributing back to the community. This article is part of Engineering at Betterment. -
How We Built Betterment's Retirement Planning Tool in R and JavaScript
Engineering Betterment’s new retirement planning tool meant finding a way to translate ...
How We Built Betterment's Retirement Planning Tool in R and JavaScript Engineering Betterment’s new retirement planning tool meant finding a way to translate financial simulations into a delightful Web experience. In this post, we’ll dive into some of the engineering that took place to build RetireGuide™ and our strategy for building an accurate, responsive, and easy-to-use advice tool that implements sophisticated financial calculations. The most significant engineering challenge in building RetireGuide was turning a complex, research-driven financial model into a personalized Web application. If we used a research-first approach to build RetireGuide, the result could have been a planning tool that was mathematically sound but hard for our customers to use. On the other hand, only thinking of user experience might have led to a beautiful design without quantitative substance. At Betterment, our end goal is to always combine both. Striking the right balance between these priorities and thoroughly executing both is paramount to RetireGuide’s success, and we didn’t want to miss the mark on either dimension. Engineering Background RetireGuide started its journey as a set of functions written in the R programming language, which Betterment’s investment analytics team uses extensively for internal research. The team uses R to rapidly prototype financial simulations and visualize the results, taking advantage of R’s built-in statistical functions and broad set of pre-built packages. The investment analytics team combined their R functions using Shiny, a tool for building user interfaces in R, and released Betterment’s IRA calculator as a precursor to RetireGuide. The IRA calculator runs primarily in R, computing its advice on a Shiny server. This interactive tool was a great start, but it lives in isolation, away from the holistic Betterment experience. The calculator focuses on just one part of the broader set of retirement calculations, and doesn’t have the functionality to automatically import customers’ existing information. It also doesn’t assist users in acting on the results it gives. From an engineering standpoint, the end goal was to integrate much of the original IRA calculator’s code, plus additional calculations, into Betterment’s Web application to create RetireGuide as a consumer-facing tool. The result would let us offer a permanent home for our retirement advice that would be “always on” for our end customers. However, to complete this integration, we needed to migrate the entire advice tool from our R codebase into the Betterment Web application ecosystem. We considered two approaches: (1) Run the existing R code directly server-side, or (2) port our R code to JavaScript to integrate it into our Web application. Option 1: Continue Running R Directly Our first plan was to reuse the research code in R and let it continue to run server-side, building an API on top of the core functions. While this approach enabled us to reuse our existing R code, it also introduced lag and server performance concerns. Unlike our original IRA calculator, RetireGuide needed to follow the core product principles of the Betterment experience: efficiency, real-time feedback, and delight. Variable server response times do not provide an optimal user experience, especially when performing personalized financial projections. Customers looking to fine-tune their desired annual savings and retirement age in real time would have to wait for our server to respond to each scenario—those added seconds become noticeable and can impair functionality. Furthermore, because of the CPU-intensive nature behind our calculations, heavy bursts of simultaneous customers could compromise a given server’s response time. While running R server-side is a win on code-reuse, it’s a loss on scalability and user experience. Even though code reuse presented itself as a win, the larger concerns behind user experience, server lag, and new infrastructure overhead motivated us to rethink our approach, prioritizing the user experience and minimizing engineering overhead. Option 2: Port the R Code to JavaScript Because our Web application already makes extensive use of JavaScript, another option was to implement our R financial models in JavaScript and run all calculations client-side, on the end user’s Web browser. Eliminating this potential server lag solved both our CPU-scaling and usability concerns. However, reimplementing our financial models in a very different language exposed a number of engineering concerns. It eliminated the potential for any code reuse and meant it would take us longer to implement. However, in keeping with the company mission to provide smarter investing, it was clear that re-engineering our code was essential to creating a better product. Our process was heavily test-driven, during which product engineering reimplemented many of the R tests in JavaScript, understood the R code’s intent, and ported the code while modifying for client-side performance wins. Throughout the process, we identified several discrepancies between JavaScript and R function outputs, so we regularly reconciled the differences. This process added extra validation, testing, and optimizations, helping us to create the most accurate advice in our end product. The cost of maintaining a separate codebase is well worth the benefits to our customers and our code quality. A Win for Customers and Engineering Building RetireGuide—from R to JavaScript—helped reinforce the fact that no engineering principle is correct in all cases. While optimizing for code reuse is generally desirable, rewriting our financial models in JavaScript benefited the product in two noticeable ways: It increased testing and organizational understanding. Rewriting R to JavaScript enabled knowledge sharing and further code vetting across teams to ensure our calculations are 100% accurate. It made an optimal user experience possible. Being able to run our financial models within our customers’ Web browsers ensures an instant user experience and eliminates any server lag or CPU-concerns.